DoctorNet Medical Email Advertising and Marketing

Broadcast Email to Doctors
Broadcast Email to Medical Industry Companies (B2B)
Pay for Performance Email Broadcast
Broadcast Video Email
Count Hits and Archive Leads from Email Broadcasts
Embed Identifier Codes In Email Broadcast
Store Images for HTML Email
Associate Email Addresses with Names
Free HTML Creative or Text Creative
Free Email Review By a Medical Doctor
Free Opt Out Management Per Client
Google AdWords Account Management
Strict Adherence To Federal Email Laws
Speedy, First Class Service

Count Hits and Archive Leads from Email Broadcasts

When you send a broadcast email message to doctors or medical industry companies, you will likely want to assess the response. The most obvious measure of success is how many inquiries and sales are generated through doctors replying to your broadcast by email, phone calls or FAXes. Another measure of success is hits to your web site directly from the email message DoctorNet broadcast for you. These hits represent potential customers who are clearly interested in your offer since they clicked on your web site through the email message broadcast by DoctorNet.

When you order Hit-Counter and Email-Lead-Archiving Service, you get a personalized web site that lets you monitor (in real time) how many hits to your web site were generated by the email broadcast. The Hit-Counter service is useful to tune your message or to compare responses as you vary your message content. You may be surprised that some messages get a better reaction than others, and the Hit-Counter will tell you what the hot buttons are so you can improve your marketing and sales. There is nothing comparable to the Hit-Counter Web Site for evaluating your marketing message.

You can also order the Email Lead Archiving service (ELA). With ELA, DoctorNet will archive email addresses for the visitors to your web from the email broadcast.

When you broadcast email messages to doctors or medical industry companies, you will likely want to archive email addresses of those recipients who clicked on your web site through the email message. These email addresses are your best leads, and you may want to send a follow-up email to them perhaps making a special offer, since they showed interest in your email message. For example, you may want to send a follow-up email message that says:

"Thanks for visiting our web site this past week regarding the email we sent you... Because of your interest in our service, we'd like to extend a special offer to you..."

This has proven to be a very popular service with our clients since it enables a focused follow-up message to those leads who have demonstrated the most interest in your first message.

For privacy reasons, DoctorNet does not release the email addresses of these leads to you. However, we archive them for you and you can use them for your follow-up broadcasts with DoctorNet.

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