DoctorNet Medical Email Advertising and Marketing

Broadcast Email to Doctors
Broadcast Email to Medical Industry Companies (B2B)
Pay for Performance Email Broadcast
Broadcast Video Email
Count Hits and Archive Leads from Email Broadcasts
Embed Identifier Codes In Email Broadcast
Store Images for HTML Email
Associate Email Addresses with Names
Free HTML Creative or Text Creative
Free Email Review By a Medical Doctor
Free Opt Out Management Per Client
Google AdWords Account Management
Strict Adherence To Federal Email Laws
Speedy, First Class Service

Associate Email Addresses with Names

Your in-house list of important doctor names and medical industry contacts just became much more valuable!

DoctorMatch, an exclusive service of DoctorNet, can match your prospect names against our email data base. Since we have the largest email data base in the world, we should be able to do a reasonable match to your name list.

Once we identify which customers on your list we have email addresses for, you can send email to those customers. Or, you can send email to a whole universe of customers that you don't have on your list, and find many new leads you never thought possible.

If you have a list of doctor names that you don't want to contact by email because they have opted out of ads from you, using DoctorMatch, we can find their email address and exclude them from an email broadcast that you will be doing.

Note that name matches are not perfect since many people have similar names. If you have names, medical specialty and state, we can potentially make a more accurate match. We don't guarantee 100% accuracy due to alternate spelling of names and typos in your list or ours, but our experience shows results are surprisingly good and our clients are finding out every day that DoctorMatch is a worth while investment. You'll know when you try it!

For privacy reasons, DoctorNet does not release the email addresses of those names that matched. However, we store them for you, and you can use them (or ones that did not match) for your broadcast with DoctorNet.

The result of the DoctorMatch service is a report on how many matches we identified. We save the results of the matches in preparation for your DoctorNet broadcast.

After we perform a DoctorMatch service for you, you can follow it up with a DoctorNet email broadcast. Here you have a choice. You can send email to all your list prospects for which we had a perfect match, or to all the names for which we had a partial match (for example, last name and state and specialty but not first name).

Alternatively, you can send email to all who did not match, since that would expand your universe of potential customers. Or, you can send one email message to those that matched and another email message to those that did not. Your choice.

However you decide to do this, you will likely expand your list of customers beyond what you thought possible.

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